Medical & Therapy Referrals
We accept referrals for Medical Diagnosis and Therapy Services.
Children are referred to our center by their primary care physician or another sub-specialist. Our referral process is designed to ensure that we receive all necessary information to provide an effective assessment.
Referral Criteria
Diagnoses: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Delay (including developmental concerns associated with prematurity and genetic disorders), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We believe that our strongest area of impact is for children with the above suspected or confirmed diagnoses, and these are the areas where the medical team will focus their time.
Chattanooga Clinic
Age: Developmental Evaluations – Children Ages 18 Months – 5 Years
Nashville Clinic
Age: Developmental Evaluations – Children Ages 18 Months – 8 Years
We accept Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Feeding Therapy, and ABA therapy patients either through the medical referral process listed above or directly from their primary care physician. See referral forms for more details. Therapy services are not available in all markets.
Referral FAX Line
Please download, complete, and fax the appropriate referral form below to the Referral FAX Line above (Referrals Only Please).