Author Melanie Potock trained Siskin Children’s Institute professionals on feeding therapy


Melanie Potock said it’s important to recognize that when pediatric feeding therapists like those at the Siskin Children’s Institute work with children to help them become more adventurous eaters, they’re not just helping the child.

“We know for sure that feeding our children is about nurturing and love and responsibility, but we also know that it’s a relationship between the parent or the caregiver and the child,” she said. “Any sort of breakdown of the feeding relationship creates anxiety in both parties, so it really is important for the entire family.”

Meghan Robinson, occupational therapist for the Siskin therapy team, said it was a privilege to have Potock at the Siskin Children’s Institute due to her experience and research in feeding therapy. She said there are four fully trained feeding therapists at the Institute, but their referral list is longer than their current appointment openings.

Robinson said she hopes Potock’s visit will make a lasting impact on staff, who may implement their new knowledge as early as this month, and fuel a fire in some of them to learn more.

by Leah Hunter at Chattanooga Times Free Press

“We really wanted to train our team in some evidence-based interventions (so) that they can go ahead and hep these families in their everyday sessions. The importance of having (Potock) here is to serve more families with feeding needs more quickly and with as much evidence and compassion as possible.” – Meghan Robison Occupational Therapist at Siskin Children’s Institute

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